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Clearing blocks to manifesting MONEY

Crystal Willingham

I have been resisting the idea that I need to focus on manifesting money to have it. Funny how deeply hidden and silent our subconscious programs can be. Of course that is a function of the subconscious, to run silently in the background, waiting for instructions and operating by default. Yesterday at my Emotion Code class, I decided to see if there were any trapped emotions related to my apparent money blocks. As a student of the law of attraction and a practitioner of the art of allowing, I have accepted and operate in full awareness that I am manifesting every experience, and when I am manifesting unwanted experiences, there is some kind of resistance or block at work. It can be a subconscious program, a trapped emotion, a conditioned belief or feeling or other vibration that is not of a frequency that attracts what I prefer or desire. This energy in my field is always attracting to me it’s likeness.

So be it that I’m aware of this, I can use tools for shifting, clearing and healing these misaligned energies to produce the desired result - raise my vibration and get into alignment with all I’m wanting to achieve.

I know there’s a reason my cash flow has been limited when truly, my natural state of being is abundance in all areas. I have struggled with this experience long enough and so, last night I decided to use my tools and get clear of whatever this energy was.

When I do energy work, I know that my conscious mind is just a filter and analyzer of awareness and as such is not the base of my consciousness, thoughts or feelings. So when I use tools that access “other” aspects of mind, my unconscious, subconscious and higher minds, I’m amazed and surprised by what comes up...the things that surface and come to my awareness. Sometimes, there’s an immediate AHA, and a slight shift in perspective to become aware of something that has been peeking out from the shadows, noticeable but ignored. But often, they are things that I could never consciously know without the use of the tool.

This was the case last night, as I sway tested the answers to the emotion code questions “do I have a trapped emotion I can release now related to money blocks?” No. “ Do I have an inherited trapped emotion?” No. “Do I have a heart wall?” No. “Do I have a hidden emotion?” No…”do I have a past life trapped emotion…?” body lurched forward. Now I know people with intuitive gifts that have awareness of past life experiences without going into any deep meditation or using any tools. Me however, I don’t have those gifts. I have under hypnosis had memories of past lives - vague and sketchy but with practiced certainty I know they are real. A skilled past life regression hypnotherapist can aid a person in identifying why this past live is shown to them and heal whatever comes up. But using the emotion code is by far the most direct and simple way of wiping clean karmic residue that I personally have ever experienced.

Yesterday, what came up for me was just the emotions, not memories or visions. Related to money blocks, I had the frequency of defensiveness and stubbornness trapped in my energy body from something I experienced in another lifetime!

Defensiveness and stubbornness stopping me from ALLOWING the idea that I need to FOCUS on manifesting money to have it. I recognize that I had a subconscious program running that told me it is not necessary to focus on money to manifest it despite the fact that I KNOW what we focus on expands! How do I know that was the block? Because today, as soon as I woke up, I have been energetically able to focus on manifesting money. It is that simple and you cannot make this stuff up! I no longer feel blocked, I feel like practicing all the tips, tricks and tools I have learned related to manifesting and applying them to this topic because I know they work! I feel open to receiving wisdom, knowledge and abundant cash flow! I feel compelled to practice, focus and to share what I know with others, which is totally in alignment with my nature, my human design and my life work and purpose!

How I manifest desired experiences and outcomes

  1. As a student of the law of attraction and a practitioner of the art of allowing, I have accepted and operate in full awareness that I am manifesting every experience, and when I am manifesting unwanted experiences, there is some kind of resistance or block at work.

  2. I use tools for shifting, clearing and healing these misaligned energies to produce the desired result - raise my vibration and get into alignment with all I’m wanting to achieve

  3. I practice all the tips, tricks and tools I have learned related to manifesting and apply them to this topic because I know they work!

​Join me as I practice some of the most powerful tools on the planet for realizing our natural abundance! We'll learn together what works for us, what's blocking us and at the end of 30 days, experience a shift together!

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