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Facebook Groups for Spiritual and Holistic Entrepreneurs

Crystal Wilingham

Using Facebook for business has numerous benefits. Groups are blossoming with growth and they offer your business more potential exposure than a business page alone. Creating your own groups for your programs and clients is great, but participating in relevant groups is even more powerful for making meaningful connections and building tribal relationships.

Do not look at groups as just another way to be seen and promote your stuff however. A genuine interest in the conversations and people as well as authentic sharing of yourself is paramount to groups being beneficial to you. Interact in the group as though you were meeting in person!

Rules and group etiquette

Most groups will have a rules post. Make sure to look for this and read it before you begin posting to the group. Some will have uploaded files or videos or other resources.

Many groups prohibit directly promoting your products, services, group pages etc., but encourage your participation on posts and sharing your expertise in direct ways with the group.

There are some groups that offer one day of the week for you to promote what you do and still others that have no restrictions on this. However, it is still social media and most people do not appreciate being directly sold to. Offer more benefit and post about who you ARE versus what you DO and you’ll gain more attention and people likely looking deeper into your profile for links to your offerings.

Participating in groups - time management

Time can easily get away from us while we are doing social media. Plan time for participation in groups along with specific activities that are fun and maximize your time.

Here is a list of groups you may want to join. Your own research and connections will reveal many more!

Examine the group for engagement - are people connecting and communicating? If so jump in. If not and all you see are spammy posts and no comments, likes or shares then feel free to un-join by clicking “leave group”.


Spiritual and Esoteric

Natural Health and Wellness

To connect with me in my groups

"From everyday wellness ideas to stuff you find "down the rabbit hole" - the mundane to the esoteric - This group is for sharing tools and tips - what works for you - in a LOVING and Supportive group setting! The only rule - if you sell a product or service, Testimonials are okay but please no direct selling. Promoting events is also okay! Wellness includes PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, SPIRITUAL and FINANCIAL. If you know of or find tools that promote wellness in any of these areas please post it here for the benefit of all. Let's CREATE Vibrant Lifestyles together!"

I created this group to keep sharing Human Design content and resources simple. Feel free to ask questions here and share your observations as you experiment!

Your path of Divine Abundance is as unique as your finger print. The common thread is that Divine Abundance is not a destination. It is not a journey. It is a way of being that we are awakening to. It is your birth right. It is in your DNA and an essential part of who you are and who you came here to be. The tools I am using to awaken to my Divine Abundance are not necessarily the best tools for you. The one message I keep getting is that the value is in the process...your process of self discovery and enlightenment. My purpose here is to share my way. What works for me. My process and my shifts. It is in my design. My way is a deep commitment to PRACTICE. To choosing your tools and implementing them daily to create new habits and new neural pathways in the brain for the preferred ways of being. The tools chosen for this process are the art of allowing and the study of your human design - daily for 30 days. This is a daily practice of Deliberate Joy, Miraculous Self Healing and Cosmic Self Awareness! In 30 days you can align with the truth of who you are and step into your Divine Abundance.


Hey everyone! This is a social experiment in marketing. My THEORY - That if we SHARE content that is relevant to our audience with others on our social networks we can more effectively use this medium to reach others with our own messages. If we collaborate with others who share a common target audience,(our local audience) we can mutually benefit from increased awareness of our businesses on this medium!

It has been my experience that 4 shares of a post give that post 10 times the visibility (200 views vs 20 views) and that ORGANIC views of posts and pages can by far out reach PAID posts when the posts are shared.

I have also found that this rarely happens intentionally.

So the experiment is to see what happens when we do this deliberately for our business networks.

Of course the whole objective with even having a business page in this medium is AUDIENCE and LIST BUILDING which hopefully results in new customers/clients. (i have a free download on this topic - holler if you want one and i'll email it to ya)

To put it simply, 1. share a link to your page here. 2. Tell the group when you have a post you want to share. 3. Share as many other people's posts that you find here (that are relevant and appropriate) 4. Share posts on your business page and your personal timeline (as appropriate) 5. Be genuinely caring about sharing other's content and give a "shout out" about how much you like this person and why you do business with them. 6. watch your page insights for PROOF this works and share that data here as well


I'll post best practices for posting here and hopefully others will share what works best for them too!

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